Info Cph 6 hour run 2014
Kære ultraløber
Så er der få dage til Cph 6 hour run 2014 (6 timers løb /
marathon) skydes i gang
lørdag d. 25. oktober
kl. 10.00.
Ruten rundt om Tueholm
sø er pt. ramt af delvise oversvømmelser. Vi arbejder lige nu med to muligheder:
Enten trækker vandet sig tilbage i løbet af ugen og løbet afvikles som
planlagt. Alternativt afvikles løbet på en anden rute.. Klubben vil give besked
til alle deltagere senere på ugen.
Praktisk info:
Startnummer kan afhentes på løbsstedet
fra kl. 8.00 – 9.30 på løbsdagen.
Chip til tidstagning er i startnumrene. De må
derfor ikke bøjes eller lign. Startnummer skal bæres synligt på forsiden af
løberne under hele løbet.
Stafet hold løber med en chip i en depeche.
Depechen skal bæres i hænderne og må kun overleveres til en ny løber i
Når de 6 timer er gået, afblæses løbet med hornlyd. Løberne
skal blive stående, der hvor de er på ruten. Hjælpere vil komme med tæpper og
afmærke stedet, hvor løberen nåede til (hele omgange af
2221 m + x antal meter).
Der er depot for hver runde af ca. 2
km. Der vil være bl.a. vand, energidrik, salt-stick, div. slik og frugt.
Der er toiletter nær depotområdet.
Egen forplejning
Der er mulighed for at opstille egen forplejning i
forbindelse med depotområdet.
Da flere løber for at få officielle
rekorder holder vi os til IAU´s regler, som bl.a. siger at man ikke må løbe med
musik i ørene (betragtes som pace).
Der vil være opstillet en
resultatskærm i depotet i målområdet – primært til løberne, hvor løberne kan se
hvor langt de har løbet samt deres nuværende placering.
Der vil være en
resultat-skærm/ PC, hvor tilskuere kan følge alle løbernes resultater under
løbet, dvs. omgangstider, stillinger etc.
Diplomer vil kunne printes
ud fra vores hjemmeside ca. en uge efter løbet.
Løbets hjemmeside
information om endelig rute, ankomst til løbsstedet m.m., kommer senere i
denne uge.
Vi glæder os til at se dig!
Albertslund Løb & Triathlon
English version:
about the Cph 6 Hour Run 2014
Dear Ultra
Only a few
days to race day, so here is a little information on the race:
The route around the Tueholm lake
is unfortunately partially flooded due
to massive rain in the last week. We are currently working on two alternative options: Either the water will withdraw during the week
and the course will
be fine or the race will be on an new route in the area. The club will
provide notification to all attendees later this week.
Practical information:
Start number pickup
Start numbers can be picked up at the race site from. 8:00 am to 9:30 am on race day.
Chip timing is inside the start numbers. Therefore they must not be bent. Start numbers must be worn visibly at the front of the runners throughout the race.
Relay team runs with a chip in a baton. Baton must be worn in the hands and may be handed over to the next runner only in the transition zone.
When the 6 hours have passed, the race is called off with a loud sound (horn). The runners are to stop and to remain where they are on the route. Helpers will come with blankets and mark the spot where the runner stands (full turns + x number of meters).
Depot /Aid stations
There is a depot for each round of app. 2km. There will be a wide selection of refreshments, inter alia, water, energy drink, salt sticks, candy and fruit.
Start number pickup
Start numbers can be picked up at the race site from. 8:00 am to 9:30 am on race day.
Chip timing is inside the start numbers. Therefore they must not be bent. Start numbers must be worn visibly at the front of the runners throughout the race.
Relay team runs with a chip in a baton. Baton must be worn in the hands and may be handed over to the next runner only in the transition zone.
When the 6 hours have passed, the race is called off with a loud sound (horn). The runners are to stop and to remain where they are on the route. Helpers will come with blankets and mark the spot where the runner stands (full turns + x number of meters).
Depot /Aid stations
There is a depot for each round of app. 2km. There will be a wide selection of refreshments, inter alia, water, energy drink, salt sticks, candy and fruit.
Toilets will be
available in the depot area.
It is possible to provide self-catering accommodation in the depot area. You place it ypourself before starting.
It is possible to provide self-catering accommodation in the depot area. You place it ypourself before starting.
As several participiants run for an official record, we stick to the IAU's standards, whichs says that runners must not run with music in the ears (considered pace).
There will be established a performance display in the depot in the target area - primarily for runners, the runners can see how far they have run and their current location.
There will be a performance monitor / PC, where fans can follow all the runners' performance during the race, ie lap times, positions, etc.
Diplomas can be printed from our website about a week after the race.
The race's website
Further information about the final route, course description, arrival to the race location, etc., are coming later this week.
We look forward to seeing you!
Charley Prødel
ALOT, Albertslund Løb & Triathlon
As several participiants run for an official record, we stick to the IAU's standards, whichs says that runners must not run with music in the ears (considered pace).
There will be established a performance display in the depot in the target area - primarily for runners, the runners can see how far they have run and their current location.
There will be a performance monitor / PC, where fans can follow all the runners' performance during the race, ie lap times, positions, etc.
Diplomas can be printed from our website about a week after the race.
The race's website
Further information about the final route, course description, arrival to the race location, etc., are coming later this week.
We look forward to seeing you!
Charley Prødel
ALOT, Albertslund Løb & Triathlon